Wednesday, November 18, 2009

~*Fall Ball*~

Well it's taken me awhile to blog about this but I'm finally getting around to it! On Nov. 6th our school had a dance called Fall Ball. It was at the Ala Moana hotel in Waikiki and the theme was "Once Upon a Dream." My friend, Spencer Scanlan, asked me to go with him and we decided that we wanted to go all out but look different. It said the dance was formal but most people there were dressed in really fancy church dresses so needless to say, we stuck out like sore thumbs. As soon as we walked in the door it seemed like every head turned in our direction and stared us down. He actually pulled off the prince outfit really well. He even sewed on some red ribbon to his church pants and had a sword. It was pretty awesome. As soon as he took off his belt that was over top of the shirt people were mistaking him for Michael Jackson though. It was pretty funny. Just wait till you see it. I didn't like everyone staring at me very much but I did get a lot of compliments and it was a lot of fun (besides the fact that everyone kept stepping on my dress while I was trying to bust a move on the dance floor).

Here are the pictures of us all ready to go, waiting for the boys to come pick us up. This is me and Alexis. Shout out to my roommates Becca, who was so kind to do our hair for us, and Ashlen for doing my make up. Thanks girls!!

All 3 of us excited and ready to go! Me, Alexis, and Danna

Our excitement slowly began to wear off because the boys were very late (like 45 mins late). These are our frustrated faces. Plus, it was getting so hot in our house, hence my dress is pulled up past my knees.

They finally got there! This is the whole gang (from left to right) Huka, Danna, me, Spencer, Alma, and Alexis

It took us SOOO long to find that stupid hotel! We were in the car for about 2 hours and we were driving around the hotel for about 30 mins. We stopped and asked 3 different people for directions and then we finally found it! We just parked in the mall parking lot and walked because we didn't want to waste our time finding the hotel parking lot. This is mine and Alexis's struggle faces. We were so happy to be out of that stupid car.

Just us girls in front of the decorations

The whole group again

Me and Alexis during our sweat fest at the dance. It was so hot in there!

After the dance we all went to Denny's to get some food/dessert and then they just took us home, because it was like 3 in the morning at this point. It was a lot of fun!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Reality Check

So I wanted to blog about an unfortunate event that I experienced last night. That way it's a way of journaling so I can remember my thoughts on it. Last night I had the sad chance of helping out in any way I could with a car accident that occured just right by my house. I live on Kamehameha Highway which is the busy road that people use to get around the island. Well, it turns out that there was this 19 year old kid who was driving somewhere with a 23 year old in the passenger seat and another kid in the back. He was going pretty fast as he was attempting to pass somebody. He lost control and hit part of the bridge and flipped and rolled the car. (the report says that alcohol was probably a factor). There were many people that heard the crash and went running. We didn't hear anyhting until the sirens started speeding down the highway and we ran outside to see what happened.

Some of my friends went down to see what happened and my buddy Amraa went down to see if there was anything they could do to help. As me and my friend started making our way down there, my friend Bryan told us to stop because he said that we don't want to see that. I won't go in to any gory details, but my friends said there was nothing they could do because the passenger was already dead and the others "didn't look good." So as we were walking back we unfortunately saw the families running towards the wreckage and heard the reaction when they saw what happened. I couldn't stand listening to that so we walked back towards our house.

We were just all standing around because we didn't know what to do with ourselves. My friends who had seen the accident were stone-faced and pale and we just didn't know what to do. We saw a short lady dressed in dark clothes flagging down cars on the freeway to get them to stop and turn around because they were closing down that part of the highway and wouldn't let anyone through. So that's when we found something to do. We got some flashlights and about 5 of us were flagging cars down and telling them to turn around and letting them know what happened. The cops brought us some flares to line the road with because they had to work on crowd control and such. The saddest part about flagging cars down was knowing every car that had family or friends in it. They rushed to a stop, got out, and just started booking it down the highway towards all the flashing lights and crowds of people.

We were out there till about 1:30 in the morning but they didn't open the highway back up till about 4. Needless to say, this was a very sad night and a HUGE reality check. It really makes you think about life and how no day is guaranteed. So many people go through life thinking, "it's ok, I'll do it tomorrow." or "I'll tell them I love them tomorrow." But what if tomorrow never comes? I know it sounds cliche to be saying things like this, but every day really is a blessing and you can't put things off. Tell the people you love that you love them because they could be taken from this earth in an instant. You never know what's going to happen to you or anyone else that you know or love so you can't afford to take things for granted. We get so caught up in day to day tasks that we seem to forget to tell people how much we appreciate and love them. So tell them that you love them, every day!

I know this is a really long post but just one more thing. It also made me so grateful for the knowledge I have of this gospel and what happens after this life. There are so many people out there that don't know what's going to happen to them when they die and they think that when their family members and friends die, that's the end and they'll never see them again. It's always hard to lose someone you love and care about, it's never going to be easy, but at least we have the hope of the after life and knowing that we will see those people again someday. Just like I never got closure with my Grandma Waite passing away. I wasn't able to go to the funeral and I still have not been to her grave site in Utah, but I know that she's happy with my Grandpa and that I will see them both again someday. I'm so thankful for that. I can't even imagine how bleak and depressing this life would be if there was no hope for an even better life after this.

Sorry about the wordy post with no pictures, I just wanted to make sure I wrote down all my thoughts and feelings to remember this in the future. Take advantage of every single day and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones and friends. TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Twilight Obsession

In celebration of the latest Twilight movie, New Moon, premiering in exactly a week from tomorrow, I changed my blog background and decided to blog about Twilight! My friends and I are thinking about getting midnight showing tickets but there is only one theater left on the island that hasn't completely sold out of tickets and it's in Mililani which is an hour away. We still might go but if we don't go to the midnight showing, then we'll be going very soon after it comes out.

I don't know what it is about Twilight that gets me but I absolutely love the books and I can't even wait for this new movie to come out. I've seen every trailer and it looks so much better then the first one. I know that the movies aren't going to follow the books exactly but I still love them and I get a lot of enjoyment out of them. :) All in all, let the countdown begin! T-minus 7 days until the premier of NEW MOON!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


So I have to admit, normally I don't like Halloween. It just seems like a pointless holiday to me unless you're a little kid who gets to dress up as your favorite super hero and go around to houses and get candy. I stopped trick or treating when I was in middle school and ever since I just haven't really seen the point of it. However, this Halloween was actually a lot of fun. Everyone in my house thought that we should all dress up together as a group costume. I was a little worried that they wouldn't turn out but we actually looked pretty freakin awesome! We all dressed up as the characters from Peter Pan/Hook. We went to Wal-Mart in Mililani the night before Halloween to get some costume things and then started piecing everything together. On Oct. 30th we had a school Halloween dance that was a lot of fun and then on Halloween we just went to the volleyball game in our costumes (where I was on TV) and went to Denny's in Kaneohe. I couldn't find a green dress for my costume, because I was Tinker Bell, so we proceeded to buy green fabric and wrap it around and pin it in random places. It actually turned out really well! It was a lot of fun!

Since Rufio (leader of the Lost Boys in Hook) isn't pictured in our group picture below, we had to get a single one of him. Ivan Goldtooth isn't very good at making scary faces because he just starts laughing. This was the best he could do. :) But doesn't he make a freakin awesome Rufio!!

Everyone in the group. Starting from left to right Jessica who was Wendy, Becca was the mermaid, Michelle didn't dress up, Kyle was Captain Hook, Whitney was Tiger Lily, Alexis and Bryan were the Lost Boys, and then I was Tinker Bell and Em was thee Peter Pan.