Friday, March 25, 2011

Colorado Trip

Time for another update blog. President's Day weekend my older sister Angie was blessing her new little baby girl, Layla Bell, so a lot of people in the family decided to head out to Colorado for the long weekend. Zach and I decided to save some money and drive over together. Plus it was our first road trip! So we left on Friday morning and drove 8 hours to Denver. It was so much fun spending time with family and heading out there. Angie and Keith come out to Utah all the time so it was fun going out there for a change. We just hung out on Friday, Saturday we played at the park with the kids, went to the Children's Museum while the guys were golfing, and went out to Dinner. Then Sunday was the blessing and we all just ate together. Zach and I drove halfway on Sunday night, stayed in a hotel in Grand Junction and then finished the drive Monday morning to get back in time for work. Pictures are below. It was such a fun trip!

Zach and I at dinner Saturday night

Cute Makelle at the Children's Museum

Parker in the dancing room at the museum

The kids were out cold in the car after! Including Lauren in the backseat. haha

I realized the only picture I got of Jackson was him sleeping in the car! I guess that kid moves too fast for me

Parker at the playground. That's what he did when I said smile.

Grandma, Layla, and Makelle at dinner

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Valentine's Day

This was our first Valentine's day together as well and I wanted to do something special. I heard about doing the 14 days of Valentine's from my sisters and I decided to jump in on it with them. You give them something everyday leading up to the big day. So everyday I wrote a little poem and he got a little gift.

This is our wall with our decorations. It has all the poems I wrote and the post-it notes are the 11 things I love about him for the 11th day.

These are the beautiful roses he got me for Valentine's

Day 13, Hawaiian breakfast in bed

Day 10, 1o $1 bills folded into hearts

Day 9

Valentine's dinner on Sunday. Homemade pizza kind of in a heart

First Christmas

This past Christmas was our first Christmas together. It was a lot of fun. We had enough Target gift cards left over that we were able to buy a nice Christmas tree and decorate it together. Along with doing Christmas for each other, we also did this 12 days of Christmas thing with my family. We found a needy family and gave them a Christmas. We gave them something every day whether it was a tree, lights, food, and the last day was presents. It was so fun and really put Christmas into perspective for us this year.

Zach got me some fun things. Blankets (I'm always cold), a Utah hoodie, and p90x!

Zach with his presents. BYU hoodie, scriptures, Jazz tickets with a Jazz jersey.

In front of our Christmas tree Christmas morning. Zach was sneezing. haha