Thursday, April 9, 2009

Last Few Weeks in Hawaii

Finals are almost over and it couldn't come any sooner! I'm mentally done with school and ready for a break so this summer will be NICE! But I did want to post on some recent exciting occurrences that have happened to me and my wonderful roommates these last few weeks in Hawaii!

This was from our weekend vacation to Kona. There were 11 of us that went so we rented a Uhaul to get around instead of 2 rental cars. It was A LOT cheaper! :) We're on our way to the Kona temple here.

The girls outside the Kona Temple after doing some baptisms

This is our current sleeping arrangement (for the past 3 weeks). That is in our front room. Thank goodness for the Miller's kindly giving us an air mattress to sleep on so we're not on the hard wood floor.

See all those bugs? Ya, those aren't oustside... These are what we call bed bugs and they were all over our mattress pads! It was DISGUSTING! That's just one little clump of them.

1 comment:

  1. Let's try and comment again. Welcome to blogging! What's up with the El Ed major? I thought you were going to leave your major the same but just go into education? When did that change?
